Batik, the Official Entry UNESCO Heritage List

Indonesian batik has finally officially entered in 76 No objects of cultural heritage by UNESCO. Batik Indonesia is considered loaded with techniques, symbols, and culture that can not be separated from public life from birth to death.
The entry of Indonesian batik in the Representative List of Cultural Heritage Objects No Man by the Organization of Education, Science, and Culture of the United Nations (UNESCO) announced in a press release on the portal of UNESCO on 30 September. Batik is a part of 76 arts and traditions from 27 countries recognized by UNESCO in the list of cultural heritage objects not through the committee's decision 24 countries who met in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates until Friday (2 / 10).
Art and traditions of China and Japan dominate the list of UNESCO heritage objects not. Counted as many as 21 Chinese cultural heritage ranging from intricate paper cutting techniques passed down from mother to daughter, crafts and silkworm farm in Sichuan Province, and worship the sea goddess Mazu. Many of China's minority cultures in the list of UNESCO cultural heritage, from Tibetan opera or art decor Regong, up to a heroic poem in Xinjiang Kyrgiz society or community tradition of ritual chant poliponic Mongolia.
Semnetara were 13 Japanese cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO as cultural heritage objects not. Many folk dances and processions, from dance Akiu in northern Japan to show the art terrua called Gagaku Japanese entry in the list.
Dance Tango, famous in the world, is also recognized as a UNESCO cultural heritage objects not. Traditional dance was originally developed in the urban lower classes in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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