.: Pekalongan Batik Backpack:.

Batik backpack, made of batik cloth and coated foam so thick and comfortable to wear. (Handmade)
Details: Batik Backpack (Bold, coated foam)
Price: idr  35.000, - (Not including Postage)
Achievable prices and models vary.
Cost Delivery please see the www.jne.co.id. Goods shipped from the Pekalongan
Please contact us directly via email cheryz_rere@yahoo.com

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6 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

mantafff.. gmn cr order??

DewaRuci mengatakan...

weeee.....moga laris ya...tak bantu promosi'in aja dah.....

Beatiful of Batik mengatakan...

Lgsung diorder aj Gan/sist, murmer!!
35 Rb Blm trmasuk delivery cost.

Beatiful of Batik mengatakan...

@DewaRuci : Seeep..
Tq, Upupupupup...!!

nuni mengatakan...

re... motifnya ada yg lebih girly ga??

Beatiful of Batik mengatakan...

Ada nnti akan diposting tas batik untuk cew, pantau trz sist..

Tq.. .

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